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发布时间:2022-12-01 09:08:00 点击:

U.LUBE team on-site service case: Bearing lubrication improvement solution for dye-jigger in dyeing plant


国产午夜精品一区二区三区四区专业生产厂家无锡金润达2022年12月1日讯 某染整厂有140台国产午夜精品一区二区三区四区,采用某牌普通润滑剂进行润滑,目前国产午夜精品一区二区三区四区的轴承润滑均出现不同程度问题。

A dyeing factory has 140 sets of Dye-jiggers, using a brand of ordinary lubricant for lubrication, at present, its dye-jiggers have different degrees of problems on bearing lubrication.


After U.LUBE team's on-site research, the main lubricating parts of the dye-jigger are bearings, which are affected by high temperature, water vapor, chemical pollution, etc. The existing problems include short service life of lubricating oil and oxidation of carbon in lubricant.



As photo shown above, the bearing lubricant is heavily carbonized and needs to be refilled every 3 days.

针对国产午夜精品一区二区三区四区的氧化结碳、使用周期短等问题,经优润(U.LUBE)团队分析建议,使用具有良好的润滑性及密封性、抗水性的轴承专用脂如优润(U.LUBE)高性能聚脲基合成脂ET UPLEX 32S,高温下物理和化学性能稳定,稠度变化小,且润滑性能保持好,在有水及潮湿环境下,润滑表现良好,可避免金属表面由于接触引起的磨损并防止其它流体及杂物渗入从而缩短机件的使用寿命,同时具有长寿命,极大降低能源消耗及润滑频率,能延长加油周期,减少频繁人工加油,提高生产效率。

For the problems of oxidation carbonization and short life cycle of dye-jigger, our U.LUBE team suggested to use a special grease for bearings with good lubricity and sealing, water resistance, such as U.LUBE high performance polyurea-based synthetic grease ET UPLEX 32S. It has stable physical and chemical properties under high temperature, stable consistency, and good lubrication performance. It can avoid the wear of metal surface caused by contact and prevent the penetration of other fluids and debris to shorten the service life of machine parts, and has long life, greatly reduces energy consumption and lubrication frequency, extends the refueling cycle, reduces frequent manual refueling, and improves productivity. It also has a long life, greatly reduces energy consumption and lubrication frequency, extends the refueling cycle, reduces frequent manual refueling, and improves productivity.




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